EverEdge Coaching

Join our Mastermind Group!

This is not a simple networking or coffee chat group. This group is comprised of committed entrepreneurs who want to take their business to the next level and are willing to put in the work to make it happen.

What is a Mastermind?

Your Own Advisory Board

Would you rather learn about business success from an academic professor or from an individual who's successfully done it? The group is comprised of like-minded peers who share best practices, brainstorm, foster creativity, and solve problems. It offers a confidential space to discuss problems you're having and challenges you're facing.  You no longer have to feel isolated like so many other entrepreneurs and business owners.

A Network

Surrounding yourself with a network that you can call on  when needed is invaluable.  Especially when these individuals understand you and your business.   A Mastermind Groups can provide you with a network beyond your own and could lead to  long-term friendships.


When you're an entrepreneur,  nobody is holding you accountable for getting done what you say you're going to do. The group will hold each other accountable on commitments they made toward achieving their business goals. Research by Dr, Gail Matthews showed that participants were almost twice as likely to achieve their goals by committing to a group their planned steps toward achieving that goal versus participants who just thought about it to themselves.

Am I a good fit?

If you are a committed entrepreneur, solo-preneur, or business owner (even if your business is a side hussle) who is past the launch stage and are highly motivated to scale your business, this group is for you! 

You have demonstrated that your business is a workable entity and you are ready to scale.  You’ve experienced what serial entrepreneur Steve Blank stated “No business plan survives first contact with customers.”  It’s time for you to pivot, learn, and grow.

The key obstacle you’re facing is how to grow and become profitable. This Mastermind group will help you take your business to the next level. 

The Value of a Mastermind

I can help.

Foster your creativity. Expand your thinking using the groups resources

Entrepreneurs often feel isolated, frequently lack a sounding board, and often second-guess decisions because they do not have unbiased advice and counsel. This group will meet those needs

Access to a strong support network that will allow you to tap into the experience of your peers

Accountability for setting and reaching powerful goal

Confidence in the decisions you're making

Expert sales and marketing consulting from the business coach Jacquelyn who runs the group

Helps eliminate the entrepreneur isolation

Most importantly, you’ll start making real progress in your business

Are Mastermind Groups Effective?

Darren Hardy

writes in The Compound Effect: “According to research by social psychologist Dr. David McClelland of Harvard, [the people you habitually associate with] determine as much as 95 percent of your success in life.

Mastermind groups

were used by many successful Americans such as Andrew Carnegie, Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, Theodore Roosevelt, John D. Rockefeller, and Charles M. Schwab.<

Motivational speaker

Jim Rohn noted, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” Point being, surround yourself with other successful entrepreneurs!


by Gail Matthews, PhD showed that 76% of participants achieved their goals by thinking, committing, announcing, and planning steps to accomplish them versus only 43% who thought about their goal.


We have rolling enrollment.  Our next group is starting in July.  Keep in mind, our groups are capped at five people.

Our group meets virtually once a week for one hour. If all of our members fall in the same area, we will meet half of the time in person.

Our structure is strict and we stick to the agenda. We understand time is the most important resource. 

First, there is a brief recap of the members’ highs and lows from the past week. Second, we go through each others’ goals, recap commitments made, and what we accomplished. Third, our “Hot Seat” spotlights one member in the group who explains a challenge he/she is facing. The group weighs in on how to overcome that challenge.  We close with every member stating their weekly objective, making commitments to complete before the next meeting, and outlining their most important next step.

Jacquelyn Tallarico, Board Certified Coach (BCC) and the founder of EverEdge Coaching. 

Read more about Jacquelyn in the About page. 

For a limited time, we are running a $99/month special.  Our normal price is $299/month.

The group meets for one hour each week and runs for four months.

Find out if our Mastermind is a good fit for you. 

Impact. Income. Prosperity.

©2020 EverEdge Coaching. All rights reserved.